Loan Officers

  • Fausto Apodaca

    NMLS # 993676
    Cal BRE # 01874667

    Fausto Apodaca is a California native. He has been a real estate professional since 2004.  He has held top producer roles at several real estate offices including Branch Manager of… (Read More)

  • Luis E Carranza “The Smart Agent”

    NMLS # 1570192
    Cal BRE # 01989030

    Luis, operating as “The Smart Agent”, grew up in Santa Ana, CA.  He has always strived to attain more knowledge and has done his best to continue to learn as much as possible. Initially… (Read More)

  • Sergio Dominguez

    NMLS # 390768
    Cal BRE # 01258925

    Sergio Dominguez is a native of El Salvador.  As an agent and mortgage loan originator, Sergio is always ready and willing to help his community with their real estate needs… (Read More)

  • Luis D Machain

    NMLS # 338907
    Cal BRE # 01828454

    Luis D. Machain, a native of South Los Angeles, has worked in the mortgage origination industry for over eight years and has worked in several capacities, including processor, originator and manager in… (Read More)


  • Juan Vargas

    NMLS # 342754
    Cal BRE # 01869822

    Juan is a native of Peru where he was a high-ranking military officer.  Arriving in the US, Juan has excelled in his expertise of purchase loans and low down payment programs.  He lives in Granada Hills with his wife, son and loves…(Read More)